
Saturday 20 March 2021

Time flies.....

Time flies........ especially when you’re enjoying a week off work! Where did the week go?? It seems to have disappeared in a flash! I shouldn’t really complain though.... I’ve had a lovely week with hubby. We’ve had long walks, a bit of gardening and plenty of laughs together. I’ve even managed two sea dips, with a third planned for tomorrow :)

I remain hopeful about plans for later in the year, but if they fall through because of Covid restrictions then hey ho. Nothing we can do, just graciously accept the refunds and give the savings a wee boost ahead of 2022!! Gigs will return and our trips are all refundable or moveable - Jersey, Edinburgh and Manchester will all still be there after Covid calms down. I don’t have much desire to travel further afield anymore......I remain fearful of the impact a long haul flight might have on my brain! It took an invitation from Queen Elizabeth herself to get me on my first short, post diagnosis plane journey!!

 Next year we are hoping for a trip slightly further away...... we’ll be married 25 years in January, and are hoping to celebrate Silver with a trip to Venice......fulfilling a long held dream to visit Italy. If we can’t go there I’d settle for another trip to beautiful Donegal....or Cork looks beautiful too. Not to mention the Wicklow Mountains and the lavender fields in Wexford. Plenty of staycation opportunities if we can’t go abroad. As ever, I am reminded of the fantastic landscape we have on our doorstep. I maintain we are lucky enough to live on one of the most beautiful places on our wee planet. A trip to Venice would be special, but so long as I have my big man for company then a car picnic and long walk at White Park Bay would do grand! 

Stay safe. Wash you hands. Get your vaccine. Don’t be selfish. Appreciate what you have. Get outside and enjoy our wee country! Live with the hand you’re dealt and don’t waste time, because it flies by...... Xx

Sunday 14 March 2021

What are you waiting for??

What are you waiting for?? An easy question to ask, but one that sometimes has many answers. As I sit here, watching Duran Duran live in concert on tv (don’t judge me, I was reared in the ‘80s lol), looking out on a rainy Mother’s Day, what am I waiting for??
  • I’m waiting for it to stop raining.
  • I’m waiting for Mr Blackbird to come and tap on our patio doors with his lovely orange beak......he’s done it a few times recently when the seed is running low. How cool is that??
  • I’m waiting for the massive swell in the sea to go down so I can go for my sea swim.........tomorrow’s looking hopeful.
  • I’m waiting to get a date for my second Covid vaccine.
  • I’m waiting for the hot water to heat so I can have a nice deep bubble bath.
Most of all I’m waiting for lockdown to end, once and for all, because;
  • I’m waiting to see if I get to dance my wee socks off to Lionel Ritchie live in Belfast in June.
  • I’m waiting to see if I finally get to see Green Day live in Dublin in June, after two opportunities stolen from me by cancer.
  • I’m waiting to see if I get to see Crowded House live in Manchester in July. After my very vivid dream about my conversation with their lead singer, Neil Finn (see earlier blog post for more detail on that one!)
  • I’m waiting to see if we get to go to Jersey for the first time.
  • I’m waiting to see if we get to go to Edinburgh for the first time in ages, after 2 reschedules so far.
  • I’m waiting to see if our Triciafest rock gig in aid of  Macmillan in NI goes ahead and we finally get to officially open our Riverbank Relatives Room.
I don’t wait well, but we all know ‘The Waiting is the Hardest Part’. Wait, wait, wait. Tap, tap, tap!! Come on virus, let Spring in!!