
Monday 18 April 2022

Dam[ned] fine!

We leave Amsterdam today after a weekend break. We came to see our son who’s studying in The Hague, and we decided to make a short break of it. A wise move…….we chose to stay in Amsterdam and have really enjoyed strolling around the city, marvelling at the architecture and soaking in the chilled out atmosphere. No coffee shops for us, but they do a fabulous fresh ginger tea, made with strips of raw ginger in boiling water……Pukka ginger teabags will never taste the same again, I’ll be making my own fresh tea from now on!

We have had fantastic weather for our entire stay, with blue, sunny skies. There’s been a breeze, but it’s remained pleasant. 

Best of all we got to spend an afternoon with our son. We’re hugely proud of the man he’s become and are quite sure that his time spent over here will have helped him grow as a person. The world is most definitely his oyster and we can’t wait to see where the next stage of his life journey will take him.

There’s been one negative so I’ll get that out of the way and then end on more positives!!

The negative? The flight. As we were beginning our descent into Schipol, my ears started to scream. The pain in my ears and across my forehead was excruciating. In fairness I’ve had persistent sinus problems over the past few months and hubby experienced  much the same thing. Maybe we’ve just been unfortunate, but I’m dreading the flight home and we’ve both discussed some trepidation at future travel involving flights of more than an hour. We’re booked for a short break in Barcelona later in the year and are already considering if we should cancel in favour of something closer (but hopefully still with a bit of sun!)

Finally, ending with positivity as always…… I set myself a challenge to see 3 things during our trip -

1. Tulip fields

Yes, it was from a train, but none the less, TICK!!

2. A windmill

Yes, again it’s from a train and I very nearly missed it, but TICK!!

3. A little mouse with clogs on

The mouse hid before I got the photo, and we moved the clogs off the stair, but I swear he was there going klip klippity klop just seconds before this photo was snapped!!

Homeward bound now. Leaving sun for rain, but still smiling at the memories of a weekend well spent.