
Tuesday 12 February 2019


Tomorrow is my 2 year blogversary. 2 years of writing crap. Hard to believe people ever read it, never mind still read it!! Here’s some 2 year numbers....
  • 301 posts
  • 71,410 hits
  • Most viewed post - ‘I made you a promise’, with 720 hits
  • 43% of hits from iPhones (I knew you were all reading in boring meetings!)
  • 2 brain surgeries
  • 30 radiotherapy sessions
  • 2 chemotherapy sessions
  • Too many scans to remember
  • 4 hospital stays
  • 6 months weaning off steroids
  • 8 months of sea bathing
  • 14 months back at work
  • 4 months since I was signed out of palliative care
  • 1 medal
Plenty of blogging inspiration! Xx

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