
Friday, 23 July 2021

Plans, plans, plans

It’s been a long 18 months!! Covid restrictions began early last year and here in backward wee Northern Ireland, we’re still behind the curve with “freedom day” as Boris the Buffoon calls it! 

Maybe it’s no bad thing that we’re easing restrictions at a slower pace, though it’d be nice to know it was a deliberate act by a unified local Assembly, rather than simply because the folks on the hill still can’t agree on anything…..ever :( 

Either way, we remain a bit locked down, beautifully aided by all the fools who choose to ignore the science and risk us going into yet another tidal wave of infections. You know them…..the anti vaxxer, anti masker, ‘they’re tracking us’ brigade! The irony of their protestations is painful.

Regardless, we are easing out of lockdown and it’s great to finally see some light……..not to mention some long awaited fun times!! Between next month and the end of the year we have three short breaks planned. Donegal, Jersey and Edinburgh. All reschedules of reschedules and all anticipated with huge excitement. We need a break! Especially now, as the thermometers rise to levels Northern Irish people generally associate with active volcanoes in far off lands.

I keep forgetting this blog is supposed to be about my cancer journey, not politics, the weather, or sea swimming (though roll on Sunday morning!!) So where are we with that pesky tumour?? 

Nothing much to report really. I remain in a monitoring schedule. I was due a scan this month, but I’m expecting delays due to Covid. Such a shame not to make the most of the semi-decent veins I now have due to the heat! I can actually see a few that I think would work for the MRI contrast dye and that’s a very rare and precious sight, let me tell you.

Unfortunately my driving licence renewal was refused this year. Of course they don’t tell you why but I’m assuming it’s a arbitrary decision made on the basis that my Neurologist diagnosed me with epilepsy in October. This was time of very high stress for me due to a very close family member spiralling into dementia, combined with a crappy time at work.  I experienced a few very mild tingles, had my medication increased by a minimal amount (which, upon questioning, the Neurologist reassured me remained well within normal prescribing levels). I don’t believe he actually told me the diagnosis that he subsequently sent to my GP, and he definitely didn’t tell me not to drive. So after 10 months of merrily driving away, it came time to apply for my new annual medical licence, and it was declined. I only found out why by speaking to my GP. My Neurologist is yet to respond to my queries. Very annoying and horribly unfair particularly on my long suffering husband, who is back to being chief taxi driver and general sorter outer! Hopefully only for a short time though…….common sense would say I should be able to reapply successfully in October, when I will be another year seizure free. Sure what else do I have to do with my time other than listen to preprogrammed phone menus as I try to speak to someone who can help……or even just any real person!

If I could drive right now I reckon I’d be in the sea. Instead I’m lounging in my back room with the patio doors open, watching the birds devour the seed I just put out for them. Ach sure, it’s not a bad aul life really. Give it 2 months and hopefully I’ll be driving to this year’s Triciafest gig in aid of Macmillan in NI, while waxing lyrical about our trips to Donegal and Jersey!!

Know what that is?? Living with xx

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