Despite my attempts to be upbeat, I’ll admit now that nerves had hit me hard. I’ve had anxiety bubbling under the surface for days and there have been nightmares and cold sweats at bedtime.
This morning I got up with my fighting head on. I was going to do everything in my power to try and make this happen. I took a wee bag, packed up with my lucky Buddhist blanket, water, fingerless gloves and a heat wrap, and headed into work early. In the office I got stuck into work, whilst drinking loads of water and doing everything I could to try and stay toasty warm. Thankfully my office-mate no longer bats an eyelid at anything I do, so seeing me sitting in a woolly hoodie, and fingerless gloves, with a heat wrap around the crook of my elbow whilst chugging down bottles of water was totally accepted! We sang along to Meat Loaf and calmed my nerves as best we could.
Then the time came. My phone rang and my friend told me she was outside. Yikes. Telling myself I was brave and could do this, I marched outside and we headed to the doctor’s. My heart was thumping but I was determined I wasn’t going to cry or make a fuss. Whatever would be, would be.
When we arrived I didn’t have to wait long. A no nonsense but friendly and reassuring nurse told me not to worry. She took me into a room and had a looker my arm, conceding they definitely weren’t great looking veins. She tried in the crook of my arm but had no luck. I hardly felt a thing. She told me she remained confident and that all I needed was the help of some warm water and gravity........ with that I was told to stand with my hands in a sink of warm water for 5 minutes. I watched in amazement as the veins in my hands started to become clearer; visibly rising up and thickening. On her return she sat me up on a bed and told me to hang my arm down. She reassured me some more and before I knew it there was blood flowing out of a vein in my hand with ease!
She easily filled the requested four vials and kept reminding me..... “When you’re getting blood done, you need warm water and gravity. Never be afraid to tell whoever is taking it that that’s what you need. Remember; warm water and gravity.” What a superstar! I left her with a hug and some overwhelmed tears, before enjoying some time with two dear friends and getting home early to recover from the stress and worry I’d felt over what turned out to be basically a non event! Now I get to enjoy a long weekend off, as I’m not back in work until Tuesday.
All in all an unexpectedly good day! I’ll end this update with some funny ‘mis-hears’that have made me giggle recently.......
1. A few weeks ago a colleague was walking towards me in the corridor and said “Good morning Trish”. Somehow I heard “Hello gorgeous”!! Of course this is now how we always greet each other!
2. Last week we were chatting to an older man that my husband knows. He asked my name and I replied “Tricia”. He looked at me a bit quizzically and asked me to repeat it. I duly did so; “Oh” he laughed, “I thought you said Treasure!”
3. This morning as I walked into work a colleague came towards me in the corridor and started to whistle. “Ah, for second there I thought you were about to wolf whistle at me!” I laughed. Of course he then did exactly that, and again in the canteen later in the morning!
So, as a result of my sometimes dodgy hearing and a sense of humour, I’m now a Gorgeous Treasure who gets wolf whistled at! Feminism be damned, that’s fine by me!! Xx