
Sunday 14 April 2019

Doing life right.....

Last Sunday I had a proper sea dip for the first time in ages. I’ve been in every month, because if  I don’t do at least dip every month for a year then I don’t  get to be an official Arcadia Bathing Club member. And I’m pig headed and refuse to be beaten! But I’ll admit that the cold weather was seeing me go in up to my chest at most and then run back out...... hey, don’t judge me, I did it!! Last week though the weather was glorious and the conditions perfect. It was bliss. 

This week conditions are somewhat different. It’s very windy and very cold. The sea is choppier and the water breathtakingly cold! But I’m addicted again. I want back the feeling I get from sea bathing in the warmer months. It’s April; the water is bound to be warmer than it seems..... surely?? I want a rerun of last week. So in I go.......

It strikes me now that this morning I did a great single person show of the Wizard of Oz........
I woke up like the heroes in the poppy field. Bleary eyed and tired after a fabulous night seeing Glen Hansard live last night. What a musician! Brilliant night.

As we walked down to the Arcadia I resembled the Tinman...... it’s cold and my joints were screaming. The wind is whistling around me like a tornado ready to lift me up and carry me away. Determined and helped by a great friend, I made my way to the sea with the enthusiasm of Toto. After walking up my yellow brick road beach, I waded in like Scarecrow....... wobbly legged, my breath often catching. I reached chest height sea and stood like the Cowardly Lion..... chattering teeth and scared to get in fully. Summoning up all my strength and encouraged by people around me, I crouched and pushed myself forwards into the water, submerging myself and swimming forwards. Like Dorothy putting on the ruby slippers, I remembered there’s no place like home...... and my home is in the sea. I moved forwards, before turning into my back and floating, being carried along by the waves. It’s cold but I can feel every ache and pain floating away, along with any worries and stresses. 

I don’t stay in too long but it’s enough to leave me feeling amazing. My shoulders and knees, that have been agony for months, are pain free. Mentally I feel blissed out and floaty. I am grinning from ear to ear.  Hubby helps me get changed and we enjoy breakfast baps and cups of hot tea. 

Then it’s home and I stand in a hot shower until I can barely see due to the amount of steam. I get out and dry off quickly, trying to hold onto the warmth of the shower. Without any sense of guilt or feeling lazy, I pull on my comfiest pyjamas, fleecy dressing gown and fluffy socks. 

Now I’m settled on the sofa with more tea. Relaxed, pain free and happy. Hubby dozes beside me and the dog is chilling in her bed....... 

The whole house is content. Perfect Sunday :) 
Living with xx

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