
Sunday 26 May 2019


“I hope this gets me a mention in dispatches”, my sister told me this morning, through trembling lips. We were swimming in the chilly North Atlantic at the time, alongside my friend of 30 years. Well here’s your mention as promised.... ;) 

It’s been quite a week in our house. On Monday night I managed to somehow fall out of bed and thump my head off the floor....... almost a week later there’s still a tender patch on my forehead; now a charming shade of greenie-yellow! I’m partially blaming hubby because he was running a fever and I’d woken up roasted!! It took us a couple of days to feel content that I was fine and hubby had food poisoning from a dodgy lunch he’d made himself in the back of his work van..... Sure I couldn’t be outdone by an unwell husband; so I had to headbutt the floor for attention..... 

This morning dawned blustery and rainy. Hubby is now feeling better after a miserable week, so he was rewarded by taking me down for a sea dip. At least I had a couple of my home-girls there so he could enjoy a coffee and not have to join me in the water! Though it was glorious today. The past 3 weeks have been perfect conditions; cold but low waves, allowing us to bob rather than get sea slapped! My type of sea :) Today was even better due to the company. I had my home-girls in the water and my hubby Support Team on the shore, and perfect conditions to absorb all the benefits of Vitamin Sea.

There you go big sis...... mentioned in dispatches. And Happy Anniversary!! This time last year was another big moment as we celebrated your wedding to a great guy who we all love. May is a good month. Spring time regeneration!! Xxx

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