
Monday 20 May 2019

It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn.....

Tomorrow marks the start of yet another chapter. I waited 7 months for an ‘urgent’ rheumatology appointment and, shortly after I finally had it, I came home from London to a letter telling me I had hypothyroidism. Up until now I’d just assumed fatigue and muscle/joint pains were going to be part and parcel of living with a brain tumour. I suspected the phenytoin poisoning and way too long on steroids had played a part and hoped time would resolve things, but was a bit concerned this would be my life now. 

This new, additional diagnosis was a blow and there were tears on Sunday morning as it started to sink in. Mostly I was frustrated that I have another thing to deal with, but also thyroid problems feel a bit ‘old woman-y’ to me...... So I had my cry and talked things through with hubby. He dispensed reassuring words and hubby hugs and promptly took me to have a sea dip. I came out of the water in a much better mind space.

Today I reluctantly added two extra tablets to my daily pill boxes. After seeing a GP, I was persuaded to try the lowest dose of thyroid medication you can take along with an iron tablet daily. I take the first doses tomorrow. I don’t want to but I also don’t want to live with constant aches and pains that I may be putting up with unnecessarily.

Wish me luck..... another hurdle but hopefully I’ll leapfrog it quickly! Living with..... xx


  1. Nothing compared to what you've overcome already! Positive vibes your way Tricia!

  2. You can do this! It’s only a blip... x

  3. Thanks guys. I’ve done my first day and it’s been pretty uneventful. We’ve both got a bit of flu that has coincided with the new meds for me, but that’s just unfortunate. Falling out of bed and bouncing my head off the floor last night was also unfortunate! But both unrelated...... It’s always important I remember I can still be unwell or have a minor accident without it always being linked back to existing conditions. I spent a long time craving normality..... now I have it, and in the real world thyroids act up and sometimes people get flu and/or fall over!! Xxx
