
Saturday 31 August 2019

Back to reality

So after a lovely week away, we’re home and knee deep in the final preparations for the charity gig on Saturday night. 
Our week away was a great opportunity for hubby and I to chill out and spend quality time together. We seized every moment. The best part was all the unplanned exploring. We covered 716 miles and passed through around 16 counties!! 

Our first night was spent with wonderful friends in Fermanagh..... probably the best ‘free B&B’ I’ve ever stayed in and the best company you could ever ask for! From there we moved on for 3 nights in Galway City and then 2 in Athlone. Whilst these were our bases we (unsuccessfully) tried to outrun the stormy weather by driving to far flung places like the Cliffs of Moher and Cong (where The Quiet Man was filmed). It rained everywhere we went but we didn’t let it stand in the way of enjoying ourselves....... even though we knew the sun was splitting the skies at home! 

As ever I continued my ‘interacting with statues’ challenge set by a friend.......

The drive home was a long one but we broke it up by stopping for lunch with another great mate. Regardless, by the time we got home I was exhausted. 

My mood was soon lifted when hubby brought the post in and I opened a package from Nashville, Tennessee....... legendary guitarist Warner Hodges had sent me a load of goodies for our raffle being held at our charity rock gig night this day week. Don’t forget, you can attend the gig on Saturday 7th September at the Diamond Rock Club, Ahoghill from 16.30. There are 6 fantastic rock bands playing and every penny raised goes to Macmillan Cancer Care.

In order to make our raffle legal, hubby and I are now officially a Society, registered with the local Council....... after 23 years marriage lol. We’ve got some amazing prizes donated by a lot of wonderful companies and friends. Just a week to go and then we can enjoy a brilliant night of music and craic. Can’t wait! 

I’m also collecting for Macmillan for a few hours on my day off on Thursday in my local Marks and Spencer. It’s not much but it makes me feel like I’m doing my wee bit.

Fundraising can be hard work, but it’s so important to charities. Do your bit..... it’ll make you feel good! Oh and you are still very welcome to donate to my fundraising efforts at 
Thanks to everyone who’s already done their bit <3 xxx

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