
Tuesday 17 September 2019


I could feel my stomach starting to flutter a bit on Sunday as we prepared to go for our sea dip. The surf forecast wasn’t good........well,  actually it was great if you’re a surfer but not so good if you’re a (not very strong) sea swimmer! I was dreading going down, seeing the conditions and having to come home disappointed. It had been a long week and I was really looking forward to my sea therapy.......

We got to the beach and it was raining. It was also choppy. Big, breaking waves. Not generally good conditions for me. But with hubby and a dear friend by my side I decided I’d give it a go. 

Previously when conditions had been like this, the waves would hit me and knock me down. This week you had that risk, combined with clearly visible currents pulling swimmers in all different directions. What if I fell or got pulled out into deeper water? But this week I felt physically strong and it turns out I was right to trust my instincts. In we went. 

Yes, it was choppy. 
Yes, the waves were sweeping us back inshore.
Yes, the drag was then pulling us back out to sea. 
And yes, it was brilliant!! 

Instead of being knocked over, I could feel my legs so much stronger than they’ve been in a long time. The waves pushed me back towards the shore and I literally ran with them. It was fantastic! My friend and I laughed and squealed when we got caught off guard by unexpected breakers. We joked with other bathers as we found ourselves suddenly thrown into their paths and we all tried to avoid bumping into each other!

When we eventually dragged ourselves out of the water, we were glowing...... and not just from the sea slapping we’d just had! There were smiles on our faces and complete contentment in our hearts. The rain couldn’t dampen our high spirits!

It’s such a simple thing to do, it doesn’t cost a penny, you can make it fit your own schedule or join in with others, and it leaves you exhilarated, happy and feeling strong and proud of your morning’s endeavours. 

Get yourself some therapy with Vitamin Sea!!

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