
Wednesday 2 October 2019


The other day I was at a work event in which we were given a list of words and we had to circle the three ‘values’  that were most important to us. One of my chosen words was optimism. My colleague and friend found this hilarious and told me to tell other colleagues “the tumble dryer story”....... it made us laugh so I thought I’d share it......

The Tumble Dryer Story (aka Optimism)
On Saturday our tumble dryer broke. It started blowing cold air. Hubby YouTube’d what to do and tried to fix it, but it seems ours doesn’t have a reset button behind the back panel.... As it was the weekend we decided to wait until Monday to ring the white goods fixer guy!
I commented “Well, at least it broke at the right time of year...” Hubby looked at me quizzically and reminded me it was almost October. “I know”, I said, “the radiators are on!”......*pause*.......*cogs turn*...... ”Although, I can see how summer might be better so you could hang stuff out on the line!”

We laughed heartily and I was still laughing two days later; hence why I told the story in the car on the way to the work event. Stupid? Yeah probably a bit. Totally random logic? Yeah, definitely. Optimistic? Yeah. And that’s cool with me! 

Whatever gets you through. Embrace that stuff!! 

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