
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Changing seasons

The changing seasons has brought dark mornings already and the clocks don’t change until next week! It’s also brought me a cold :( but it’s not too bad so I’m hoping it passes quickly.

We’ve just had a lovely weekend away visiting my sister and brother in law in Manchester.  We spent Saturday walking up Marsden canal to the edge of the Peak District. I still haven’t beaten my most steps on my phone pedometer....... we covered just over five miles but it still doesn’t beat the eight I walked on 19th January 2017...... just before I had my grand mal seizure. That ‘personal best’ is a dragon I still have to slay. Although I have returned to the scene of the crime (part of it at least) and I also beat my most steps in a week when we were in London in May this year (when I covered 23 miles). I used to be able to cover that in a day’s hillwalking but it’s all progress. 

Sunday was spent playing mini golf and sharing laughs. It was a great way to spend the weekend and coming home with a cold made it even harder to get out of bed this morning. Dark, cold, stuffy. Boo hiss!

I definitely notice huge progress, both physically and mentally, from this time last year. My legs carry me further and my head doesn’t play as many tricks on me.

Next week I’ll be celebrating a year since I was signed out of palliative care. I’d always thought there was only one way of doing that, but it seems you don’t have to die. Which is good!! It’s scary to remember I was ever in palliative care to begin with, but somewhat life affirming to be able to celebrate a year since being signed out........ walking out rather than being wheeled out is definitely the best way to exit! 

Next scan is in a couple of weeks. The stubborn part of me will be disappointed with a ‘stable’...... I’m going for an ‘improvement’. But I won’t be greedy. Stable will do just fine. 

Living with xx

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