It was a long drive down but we arrived early which is always better....... nothing worse than starting off any more stressed.
When we got there we saw an older couple in the corridor, clearly not too sure where they needed to go. We stopped to ask them if they needed help. Turned out they were going to the same clinic as us but their appointment was earlier. We started to direct them but decided it was easier just to walk them up there. The RVH is confusing for anyone. A higgeldy piggeldy mix of old and new buildings, joined together with walkways, escalators and lifts.
As we guided our new friends, Andrew and Josie, through the warren of corridors, he suddenly stopped walking and leant against a trolley, saying he felt a bit dizzy. My hero of a husband went back to the front doors to get him a wheelchair while I waited with them and told him just to rest and take a moment. He did brilliantly; had the sense to just stop and take a moment, instead of trying to batter on.
It’s a long walk to Outpatients on the 7th floor of the old building. Plenty of time to stress....... I usually find my anxiety tears start in the miles long car park queue and then bubble up again in the lift.... Thankfully today there was no car park queue (unheard of!) and we were too busy with Andrew and Josie to worry about what was ahead. We delivered them safely and then went for a quick cuppa before my appointment.
In the cafe, hubby spotted a former teacher of his and I recognised his wife as my childhood best friend’s piano teacher when we were kids. In keeping with the completely over friendly folk we’ve become, we struck up conversation. The connections were made and we laughed at how frequently we’re reminded of how small Northern Ireland is!
A nice start to the day. Meeting friendly folks and helping people just like we have been helped so many times. Paying it forward....
Thankfully my appt confirmed stability, despite the disasterous scan! Next one in June so I get to enjoy a few months without overthinking the prospect of Infusion Services putting dye into whatever weird and wonderful vein they can find...... *yikes* Plenty of fun times planned between now and then though....Dublin, Belfast, London...... we’ll see them all!
We came home after a bit of retail therapy (when in Rome....) and enjoyed a lovely cup of tea in our back garden. (Yay, Spring at last!!!) Best teabags ever.... Barry’s. I told my friend we’d bought some in Dublin and they made a damned fine cuppa.....In an amazingly thoughtful way she bought me a box for my birthday, along with a lovely seaside mug and some sweets for my desk (because I don’t like her brandy balls or clove rock!)
Plans for Triciafest2 are coming along nicely, we’ve secured some great items for the auction/raffle and the bands are cracking.
Living with......