
Saturday 9 March 2019

Good karma

The best things I’ve learned since diagnosis? That there are wonderful people all around. That the horrible ones don’t matter. And that life is for living.

The past week has given me numerous examples of the first and third of these points. On Tuesday I got the train to Belfast for work. On it I had the company of a guy who shared a love of music. He doesn’t get to many gigs now because he has three young children. I told him of our weekend plans to go to Country 2 Country Festival in Dublin. By the time he got off the train he was looking into taking his wife down for tonight’s show, headlined by Chris Stapleton, as a surprise for her birthday! 

On the way home I enjoyed some first class comedy whilst eavesdropping on an older man a few rows in front of me.  Country folk for sure. He was full of stories and I found it impossible not to have a wee giggle..... personally I think his best comedy moment was when he said this; 
“I’ve got three brothers. But we all have different fathers. They talk about your forefathers........ well in my house we actually HAD four fathers......!!!” Classic. He’s wasted on a train, he was better than Mrs Brown’s Boys any day of the week!

On Thursday I met another lovely stranger. I’d been to help my dad with something and was waiting for a taxi home. An older lady was walking up the footpath and a car with trailer pulled up to park. The driver mounted the kerb and almost clipped her, giving her a fright. She stopped to talk to me, giving off about what had happened. I offered to talk to the driver for her and point out what he’d almost done. She declined and apologised, saying she was ‘just crabbit today’ I told her I’d had a fairly challenging morning myself and not to worry about it. I offered her a lift in my taxi but she hadn’t far to go. Then this very sweet lady thanked me for helping improve her day and told me she loved the colours of my woolly hat! Such a short, simple conversation, but yet it lifted both of our days.

Last night we enjoyed our first night at C2C, singing along to ‘Friends in Low Places’ and enjoying the vocal harmonies of the headliner, Lady Antebellum. This morning we had breakfast baps the size of my head and enjoyed a beautiful springtime walk around St Stephens Green. This afternoon I had a hot chocolate in Bewleys that probably met my sugar quota for the month! Now we are chilling in a nice hotel before heading back out for more music. 
#livingwith xx

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