
Monday 19 November 2018

43 going on 80, via 21

My muscles and joints continue to cause me significant problems. It’s now been 6 weeks of significant discomfort at best and severe pain at worst. I’ve been referred to a rheumatologist (another Consultant to add to my collection) but the waiting list for an emergency referral is 7 months....... So I guess I need to just keep doing what I’m doing and hopefully helping myself as much as I can. 

The Physio did give me a rather nifty looking rolator for days I want to go for a longer walk.  I test drove it in Ballymena on Saturday and it was great. Then I took it for another spin on Sunday, but I’ve discovered it’s not great on paths that aren’t completely smooth. If it’s even a little bumpy it can be a bit like pushing a pneumatic drill! Plus negotiating slopes, both coming down and going up, is going to take a bit more practice. The seat is ace though. Perfect for a wee rest when needed. Plus the shopping basket underneath is as handy as anything......No requirement to hurt weary arms or load up hubby like a pack mule! Friends have suggested Christmas decor, including fairy lights, so watch this space.....!

So I now officially kind of look like I’m in my 80s..... Do I care? Honestly, a tiny bit maybe, but not enough to prevent me from using it if it helps. It will allow me to enjoy longer walks in the fresh air which can only be good!

Last night was spent watching Mumford & Sons live. Fantastic! For a fairly plain, slightly chubby guy, Mr Mumford is a rock god!! Maybe there’s hope for me yet! Last night he played guitar, drums and piano. He was note perfect with a tone like velvet and had the audience in the palm of his hand. He even left the stage and took a walk up through the crowd and up into the seats. There’s not too many do that nowadays! It was a late night for me and an uncomfortable one without too much sleep. 6.15am comes early, but I’ve still managed to complete a fairly productive day at work.

The gig diary is now starting to fill up nicely, right into next year. Hopefully my stamina will improve....... I’m pretty confident it will, not that I’ll let it stop me anyway! Music is good for my emotional mind and that’s just as important as any physical therapy.  These days of dust will soon be blown away by a new sun....... Bring it on!! Xx

Well, I came home
Like a stone
And I fell heavy into your arms
These days of dust
Which we've known
Will blow away with this new sun”
I Will Wait, Mumford and Sons

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