
Sunday 25 November 2018

Christmas weekend!

Christmas comes but once a year....... unless you’re in our family of course! We have a family tradition; we get together before Christmas Day for Robinson Christmas. It’s simply a family get together where we go for a meal and we exchange gifts....... much like actual Christmas, except earlier. This weekend was Robinson Christmas and it’s been lovely. I’ve enjoyed time with my husband, son, sister, brother in law and dad.  Some of my favourite people in the world. Family are so important. I value mine immensely. This year my son even took weeks to make flavoured vodka and whisky for his aunt and uncle. He didn’t use a still, don’t worry. Not moonshine as much as a kind of alcoholic marinade! 

Unfortunately my muscle and joint aches continue, but I’m trying desperately not to let it annoy me. Im sure it’s going to pass but I wish my feet and ankles weren’t quite so hobbit-like!  It’s not stopping me though..... well maybe a tiny bit, but very little. Finally finishing the steroids is starting to give me my cheekbones back but it’s yet another change for my poor body to deal with.

Not to be outdone, I’m still working and enjoying life. Our gig diary continues to fill up, with plenty to enjoy during the rest of 2018 and the start of 2019. Music makes me happy and I get to enjoy gigs with family and friends so I see it all as part of my healing process.  The NI rock music community is a small and an incredibly loyal one. Like family, friends and work colleagues, I have gig buddies that have my back and are always there to help and make me smile.  Sometimes these friend circles combine and that can warm my heart. Just yesterday a friend, who is also one of my former work line managers, sent me a photo of him at a gig, with a rock band guy friend of ours...... he even had on a triciafest t-shirt...... at a festival in Scotland!  That made me smile. What a legend.

So what’s next? Well, I’m hoping my wee body will recover from the steroid abuse by the end of the year. Then I’m hoping my next scan in January shows continued improvement. Then it’s just a case of keeping things steady..... Living life..... xx

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