
Saturday 10 November 2018

Still sore but not stopping....

“Don’t stop me now, I’m having such a good time, I’m having a ball!” 

My muscles remain agony. The pain moves around a bit, but it’s not letting up. I refuse to let it stop me but am desperately hoping it’s temporary. But that’s enough of that. A friend of mine told me the other night that his wife and I read this blog and that I had a good way with words but that I complain a lot..... Probably a fair comment I know. It’s my way of getting it out, though I always try to deliver the truth but also give a positive slant. So let’s remember my good scan results and the fact that I’m no longer in palliative care. That more than balances out the temporary muscle pains.

The past few weeks have brought some wonderful experiences. My Wind in the Willows dress got another run out when we went to a beautiful wedding. It was in Letterkenny and started a wee run of fun times! 

First my sister and brother in law visited for a weekend, then we had 2 nights away going to gigs in Belfast and Dublin. 

We’ve had lots of time off work and have spent time with great people........Not to mention with each other, which is always lovely! 

Now we’re heading back towards reality again..... today I heard from a friend who is in hospital with a bleed to the brain and possible spinal leak. I was devastated but know he’ll be ok. He’s been a steady and consistent friend to me throughout everything. When people I knew better and expected more of got bored and I dropped off their radar, this friend never wavered in his support. I’m fortunate enough to have a few friends like him. The ones that are always there. Plus my husband and sister and brother in law provide a crutch that I’d be completely lost without. 

Next week brings normal and mundane stuff like work, blood tests and a haircut. But it also brings another hypnotherapy session, lunches and another gig at the weekend. My life remains very changeable, with some bad but loads of good. I plan to spend the run up to Christmas in the company of good people who genuinely care. I have a couple more gigs and a few fun times planned with family and friends. Don’t stop me now! Xxx

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