
Sunday 9 December 2018

Light up, light up

We had plans for this weekend and I’m damned sure sore muscles weren’t standing in my way!! I was just right. We’ve spent the past few days enjoying quality time together, singing and dancing and meeting the most lovely people.

It started on Friday. We headed down to Dublin to go to a gig. Country band Midland are so cheesy they’re awesome! Fantastic night, made even better by a chance meeting with another couple who were full of chat and fun. Plus we stayed at an Airbnb run by a wonderful couple from Brazil. She used to be a professional volleyball player and was gorgeous, about 6 foot tall and a figure to die for! On top of that she was a complete sweetheart, as was her partner. We left with hugs, feeling like we’d stayed with friends. 

Yesterday we headed from Dublin up to Belfast. Another Airbnb, another success. Absolutely beautiful house. Last night we went to see Snow Patrol. They were brilliant and more new friends were made. The young couple sitting beside us were lovely and we enjoyed their company. The night was only marred by a fairly vicious fight that broke out in the standing area right in front of our seats. I’ll admit to being pretty scared by it...... it was violent and in amongst a crowd of people very near the front of the arena. I’m sure there’s a few people who woke up with fist and shoe prints on them today...... unfortunately some may have been innocent bystanders. Over 20 years ago I was injured in a similar fashion.... standing at a bar, watching a band, fight broke out beside me and I didn’t move fast enough.... a few minutes later I’m lying on the floor with a broken nose, after being used as a human shield by one of the offending parties and subsequently kicked in the face by the other. I experienced ongoing sinus problems from then on and ended up having surgery...... part of the reason why I dismissed the terrible headaches caused by my brain tumour.....I thought they were sinus headaches. So I was very nervous when the fight kicked off at the gig..... All the half drunk drinks sitting on top of the divider between seated and standing were coped over us and I was expecting a person to follow them...... either someone jumping over to get away from the melee, or someone being thrown over.... thankfully that didn’t happen and those involved were removed from the venue. 

Of all the gigs I’ve been to, I would never have thought Snow Patrol would be the one where I’d witness a pretty nasty fight. Slipknot  was safer!! Thankfully the band were great so the idiots didn’t ruin it for us. Hopefully there weren’t too many people who got caught like I did all those years ago and didn’t move fast enough. I did see at least one young member of security getting a significant thumping. 

After another good night’s sleep, we got up this morning and slowly worked our way home via St George’s Market and the shores of Belfast Lough. 

At St George’s we met a lovely Spanish family who were visiting their daughter who’s working here. The market was buzzing and full of people Christmas shopping. 

Home early afternoon, content and having had a great weekend. On the road up I had a sudden premonition..... I turned to hubby and said “Wait til you see. We’ll go home to a letter with an appointment date for January.” Sure enough...... waiting for me was a letter with my next scan date. This is a good thing because it provides reassurance. I don’t believe things have deteriorated and am even cautiously hopeful of further improvement..... I’m enjoying life and I’m carried through the hard bits by family and friends, especially my amazing hubby. I’ll admit to shedding a few tears at some of music over the weekend. But overwhelmed in a good way.  Living with...... xxx

“What if it hurts like hell
Then it'll hurt like hell
Come on over
Come on over here”
What if this is all the love you ever get 
by Snow Patrol 

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