
Thursday 27 December 2018

Christmas is.....

Christmas is a time for family and friends.
Christmas is knowing your son is back in his own bed.
Christmas is slow dancing with your husband in the kitchen while dinner cooks.
Christmas is FaceTiming family in America and admiring the view of the snow capped mountains from their balcony.
Christmas is getting together with extended family and seeing children’s faces lit up with excitement.
Christmas is afternoons snuggled up on the sofa, watching classic movies like Elf, Wizard of Oz and Mary Poppins.
Christmas is laughing at old favourites like Wayne’s World and Bill and Ted.
Christmas is walks at the shore, wrapped up and cuddled into the best husband in the world.
Christmas is meeting up with old friends and reminiscing about childhood fun times.
Christmas is exchanging gifts and enjoying the smiles on peoples’ faces.
Christmas is time off work.
Christmas is time on the Riverbank, with no need to visit the Wide World for a few days at least.
Christmas is for thanking friends that have stuck by you through difficult times.
Christmas is when Caledonia is sung specially to you.
Christmas is eating far too much.
Christmas is not caring that you’ve eaten far too much.
Merry Christmas. Here’s to 2019. Next scan on 11th January...... let’s keep kicking this thing’s ass!!


  1. All in one day??!!! ;) Good to see you enjoying every day my friend x

  2. I’m counting Christmas as the Christmas holidays..... All in one day and I’d be broken! Xxx
