
Wednesday 2 January 2019

Goodbye 2018, hello 2019

So here we are, into another year. In some ways the past 2 years have been the slowest of my life, in other ways they’ve been the quickest. New Year is time to reflect and look forward......
Reflections. What have I achieved (with help) in 2018?
  • Survival after being given 4 days to live due to a nasty anti seizure medication poisoning me.
  • Continued improvement shown in scan results.
  • A successful return to work.
  • Lots of quality time with family and friends, including getting back out to music gigs.
  • Helping arrange my sister’s wedding and watching her marry a wonderful man.
  • The first triciafest gig and subsequent raising of almost £9,000 for Macmillan Cancer Care.
  • Being awarded a British Empire Medal.
  • Ditching steroids.... it took 6 months but I got there in the end.
  • Taking up sea bathing.
  • A short holiday in England and Scotland, and numerous other nights away at gigs and with my sister and brother in law.
  • Three local media articles raising awareness of brain tumours.
  • Preparation and presentation of a TedxTalk.
  • Speaking out and helping get some change and increased support within local Dept of Health for brain tumour patients.
  • Continuing to get up after minor blips. (Though in fairness that credit goes largely to my support team). 
Looking forward to in 2019?
  • Loads of music gigs.
  • Loads of good times with family and friends.
  • Striding forward at work and making a difference.
  • Going to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. 
  • Achieving one year of monthly sea swims and becoming an official Arcadia Bathing Club member.
  • Beating cancer........ why not aim for the top??
Overall 2018 was a good year, interspersed with some moments of terror and sadness. If 2019 goes much the same then that’ll be enough, but I still stand by what I’ve said since the start; “I’m not saying I’m going to be a miracle, but I haven’t ruled it out!” 

Right, off to make more special memories. Living with..... Xxx

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