
Tuesday 8 January 2019

Loving life

Today was a big day of little things for me. Firstly I went to Belfast on the train on my own. This is something I really wouldn’t have felt confident doing until now. 

The reason I went was because I’d been asked to talk through a report I’d written to a group of representatives from partner agencies. This is something I used to confidently do on a very regular basis, but it’s been a long time. I cover up pretty well I think, but there’s no doubt that my confidence levels are lower than they used to be. 

It turned out I made the right decision. I’m not sure my presentation at the meeting was as succinct as I’d have liked it to be. It was a bit rambling but the guy who invited me seemed happy enough and I don’t think it was awful. 

After the meeting I ate lunch with some close colleagues and friends. I enjoyed catching up. It was lovely and also all helps make me feel like part of a team again.

I’ve no idea why I was nervous getting a train on my own...... I’m never alone for long! On the way down I had a good chat with Betsy from Ballymena, and on the way home I met a delightful lady who has done incredible amounts of charity and volunteer work. She told me something that was said to her years ago. She now writes it at the front of her diary every year;

“Do you love life?
Do not waste time
For that is the stuff life is made of.”

Wonderful. You can probably see why we bonded! This 79 year old former nurse was wonderfully positive and inspirational and we shared stories and laughed together. I got off that train feeling so good that I even got the town bus home rather than a taxi.

I’m wrecked after a long day, but I’ve taken a few more leaps forward in the career part of my life. I’m not wasting time....... 
Living with xxx

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