
Monday 21 January 2019

Planes, trains and brains

So I’ve been cleared for take off by both oncology and neurology. This is important news because I got my garden party date for Buckingham Palace and I didn’t fancy trying to get there by boat and train or hubby having to drive. I may ask the pilot to do a Top Gun style fly past the tower at Gatwick when we arrive to celebrate haha!

I am currently sitting on the train home from Belfast after another venture out into the wider work world. Confidence is building so I’ll need to keep myself reigned in and not get too carried away!

On Saturday morning I spent 3.5 hours with my sister at a qigong workshop. I’d describe it as what I’d imagine tai chi to be like, but with added meditation. I thoroughly enjoyed it and left it with a notable reduction in muscle pains. I’m starting weekly classes tomorrow evening and am hoping for great things. Not content to just enjoy the class without being disruptive, I took the giggles during it. There’s a move we were taught that’s called ‘bear walk’ though our teacher told us some call it ‘penguin walk’ because you look a bit like a penguin when doing it. I got an imagine in my head of the soldiers in Toy Story and had to resist the urge to shout in a bad American accent “We’ve got a board game people. A board game!” 

These are the things that now entertain me. How painfully dull I’ve become..... Although I was at a rock gig on Saturday so there’s still a smattering of cool in there somewhere I guess.  The night out was partially in celebration of my 2 year seizureversary. Amazing to think it’s been that long. Unbelievably, in a club filled with over 100 people, a girl I’d never met before chose to sit beside me and we got chatting. We introduced ourselves to each other and shared a few laughs. She had a very trendy haircut; it was shaved really short at one side and longer at the other, with the longer bit dyed purple. At one point she went to the toilet and on her return I saw a familiar shaped scar on the shaved side of her head. We chatted again and eventually I gently asked her about her scar. She said “yeah, I had a brain tumour!” Of all the seats, in all the venues, we end up sitting beside each other...... yet more mad serendipity! We shared a love of live music and a love of life. Cool :) 

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