
Wednesday 11 December 2019

Happy Christmas to me!!

It’s been a big week! 

On Saturday I got my ‘entirely stable’ scan results. Woop woop!!

 On Tuesday Macmillan released a video I appeared in. It featured patients reading out thank you letters to their Macmillan nurses. It was a lovely, positive campaign and seems to have gone down well. The nurse I thanked, Terry, and I were both interviewed for the Belfast Telegraph. He described me ‘very special’ and said I’d ‘worked really hard to get her life back on track again and she’s a great inspiration.’ He’s very kind but I’ll admit it made me feel heart warmed to read such kind words from a man I deeply admire.

Then today........ I had it confirmed I could drive again!! After almost three years, I finally got behind the wheel again. It all happened so quickly! I had expected insurance to be a total pain but we walked into the local office of our car insurance company and I walked out insured. Hubby handed me the car keys and told me to drive us home.......

Thankfully driving is not like playing piano...... I used to play piano as a kid and got as far as my Grade 6. The problem was that my lesson was at 5pm on a Saturday evening every week. As a teenager I didn’t want to have to be home for piano lessons on Saturday evenings...... I wanted to go to my friends’ houses or go ice skating. Once I hit 15 I’d discovered rock music so I used the excuse of GCSE pressure to bow out of piano lessons (yeah, right...!!) By the time I wanted to play again, many years later, I was horrified to discover I’d forgotten how! I couldn’t read music anymore and didn’t have the patience to re-learn. So thank goodness driving is more like riding a bike..... you don’t forget! 

I have been fortunate. I have a wonderful husband and friends more than willing to ferry me about. I’m fit enough to get buses and trains and even sometimes walk home from work or town. Getting my license back is more about confidence. It feels like another big step forward. It further proves I’m going in the right direction. I’m getting stronger, despite cancer. 

So I’m stable, have done a wee bit more for Macmillan  and I’m mobile again! Happy happy Christmas to me......and to hubby..... I’ve no intention of ever drinking again so now I’m the taxi! Happy Christmas to us all! 
Living with xxx

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