
Sunday 22 December 2019

Santa splashing with friends :)

I love Christmas! For so many reasons...... 

First I get time off work. I generally love my job, but every job brings challenges and it’s only healthy to get the odd decent break away from it!

Second I’ve had lots of recent get together with friends and family, and more to come.

Thirdly we get extra sea dips...... today was the Santa Splash. Conditions were perfect. I arrived down just on time but after flaffing about looking for my friend and then having the hassle of needing to pee at the last minute (swimsuit nightmare!) I ended up living up to my Santa hat........ “Princess”.......and was about the last person to enter the sea! Not that it mattered. My friend found me, and my other friend and her daughter were with me too. There were hundreds of people laughing in the sea. The wave height was perfect and it wasn’t even all that cold for December........ although one wave did hit my hat, causing the white bobble to flip forward and give me a wet slap in the face!! Sure that’s part of the fun of it.

Hubby had been dispatched to collect the Christmas food but my mate was an excellent back up support team! He helped his wife and I to maintain our dignity while manoeuvring (wriggling) our way into towels and Coucons*, out of swimsuits and into clothes. Hubby arrived just in time to take me home and we enjoyed hot cups of tea with our friends beside the Christmas tree. 

We’re now finishing off our evening watching Top Gun. Best. Husband. Ever!!

Tomorrow he has to work so it’ll be wrapping and housework for me. Then it’ll be Christmas Eve and our gorgeous son will be home for a few days. Perfect!

Enjoy Christmas everyone xxx

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