
Saturday 7 November 2020

Live in the sunshine

“Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unfortunately when you live in Northern Ireland, living in the sunshine isn’t always a possibility..... but when you live on the north coast swimming in the sea and drinking in the wild air is always possible!! 

The clocks have changed, autumn is here and winter is waiting in the wings. There’s less sunshine, big seas and colder air. Some people stop sea swimming at this time of year........ some people........ not us! If we can possibly get in, we will. Last week and this week have seen big swells on the north coast.......great for experiencing surfers, not so great for sea dippers. 

The sea is bigger and stronger than us. It needs to be respected. It’s always important to remember to respect its power, but there are also always ways around any problem...... Too dangerous to get in at the beach?? Harbour, here we come! 

Faced with a problem? Something standing in the way of doing what you love? Adapt. Find another way.... live with!

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