
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Ringing the bell

Today was post treatment scan day. I was horribly nervous. For no real, logical reason, but it’s been rough enough going. As ever, family and friends saw the shoulders start to sag in the last few weeks and jumped in. Cuppas and lunches, gifts in the Post and a constantly buzzing phone. All little hugs delivered and  gratefully  received.  Its hard to feel sad when you’re surrounded by good people. One friend I visited at the weekend introduced me to Hector...... the donkey she ended up buying when she went to a market to buy chickens (she just couldn’t resist him apparently! He is lovely). How can you possibly not love someone who tells you that story after you look at them quizzically following a loud eeeeee-aawwww from outside??!! This is sort of person I find myself surrounded by now. The non judgmental people, just taking life as it comes.

 I spent Monday night in a very plush hotel with my surrogate sister...... reading and relaxing in the comfiest bed ever made! Completely comfortable physical surroundings and, more importantly, completely comfortable company.  A solid night’s sleep and a lovely walk through Crawfordsburn Forest Park. A revelation for the North do not live on the Gold Coast..... I’m sorry, but it’s bronze! The North Coast is the Gold Coast. Helens Bay is lovely but nothing on Castlerock...... although I do love the mix of forest and beach. Definitely beautiful, but not golden.....!! Our walk helped loosen up muscles and it felt so good to breathe in the fresh air and admire the beautiful autumn colours.

Not content to just go for a walk of course, we now have a mission to track down an old friend of a gentleman we met walking his dog. We have limited information, but will work on it and hopefully reunite two friends in their 70s. 

Hubby took the day off to take me up for my scan today. After a lot of work, I’d got myself into a better place emotionally over it. Little point panicking over a scan..... wait for results day to do that! I’d worked so hard at relaxing that I fell asleep during the scan itself! I’m aware of at least 3 times I woke up after having dozed off...... on one ocassion there was a definite ‘snuffle’ (not quite snoring, not quite normal breathing). 

Whilst I am more than sure it was a trick of the light, I feel I have to share that at one point I saw behind my eyes what apoeared to be my brain with something that looked like exactly like a coffee bean sitting on the edge. If I’d opened my eyes I’d probably have seen Marylin Monroe or Jesus on the wall, ........  but I admit it publicly anyway,....... partially because I find it quite interesting......and mostly because it’s kind of funny! 

Following the scan it was off to get my picc line out. No amount of begging is going to allow me to keep it..... I’ll have to get used to getting needles stuck in me again if I’m getting blood tests done. Thankfully, I asked for my bloods results from them being taken earlier in week, and the platelets and neutrophils  are both still going in the right direction. It won’t change anything, but it does reassure me to know they’re doing ok. Removal of the line means no more ‘shower condom’ so I can shower more freely and even lie back in a bath!!

In between scan and picc we stopped for some food. Not only did I get a quick chat with a friend I know from a completely different environment, I got to ring the bell!! When I’d been doing radio I’d heard there was a plan to instal a bell in the waiting room. The idea being that you could ring it in completion of your last radio blast. I heard that the bell was now there...... and couldn’t resist. I gave the waiting room a brief explanation that the bell wasn’t there when I finished mine, and then I gave it  three dings! It’s amazing how such a simple act can feel so good! I’ll confess the accompanying round of applause helped!  Pride isn’t an attractive trait, but I think it’s ok to feel a sense of relief and be able to smile about it in a situation like cancer treatment !

Removal of my picc line was fine. No pain...........although I’d say my eyes may water a bit tomorrow afternoon when I take the tape off....... completely brilliant nurse, but he wraps arms like I wrap presents....... (the answer is always MORE TAPE!)

I have nothing but praise for the staff I encountered today. Everyone I dealt with was helpful and pleasant. One even gave me her personal mobile number so I could contact her I ever needed anything that she could help with. She’s the second one to do that. Definitely above and beyond. I even got a lovely hug from a nurse who I’d made laugh.  One gave me a post it note and asked me to write three words about my visit today (her boss had an idea...!) I wrote “<her name> is lovely” Childish feedback, but seemed like fun! Always possible to carry out a good job, even while having a bit of a laugh at the same time.....

1 comment:

  1. So glad today went well, proud of you xx looking forward to planning our next mindfulness day - goodness knows what antics we will end up getting into! #believe
