
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Keeping the NHS in business.....

As if they didn’t have enough to do, it seems my family are insistent on using NHS resources! This time another, different member had an overnight stay, with potential heart problems. Thankfully now, discharged back into the community with a few more tests to be done. Disaster averted. 

I’ll admit the mention of a brain scan was a little scary, but it’s been confirmed there’s a brain in there but nothing else that shouldn’t be there! If my scan says the same I’ll be delighted. 

As already reported, my scan went ahead on Wednesday. I fell asleep due to my zen state of being nowadays...... Hoping for an update soon. Hard to fight an invisible enemy...... 

My gorgeous and thoughtful son bought me a lovely illustrated copy of “Alice in Wonderland”, but issued me with the warning ‘Remember, it’s a bit of a head f*ck of a book!’ I have put it with all the other books I have bought or been given...... books of calmness, books of wisdom, books to relax with. Books chosen with care and given with love. Gotta love a well chosen book!! Xxx

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