
Friday 22 December 2017

Ho ho ho

It’s been a few weeks..... simply because I haven’t had much to say....... a good thing, surely?? Finding our new ‘normal’?  A world that doesn’t spin entirely around me...... granted, still a wee bit, but not as much.....maybe....... part of the reason for no blogging has been a lack of time due to all the visitors! It’s lovely to have so many people calling to say hi or inviting me out for a cuppa and a catch up. The most valuable gift you can give - time. Always in short supply, but the best gift you could receive.

As usual, I often find myself amazed by the good people all around me...... friends who are happy to help me get things done, or to make me laugh and remind me I’m still me. I still get the odd message or card that stops me in my tracks too...... usually someone who’s just written down exactly what’s in their head at that time. Honest outpourings of any nature (Apart from mean........ that’s an honest outpouring to be kept to yourself thanks!! Thankfully I don’t seem to know too many meanies!) 

I’ve been trying to stay away from my phone more too.  I usually enforce my ‘tech curfew’ sometime after 8pm....... flight mode on, no notifications or messages to be tempted by until the morning! It’s been days of ‘stuff’...... pottering, visitors, appointments. You’d think I’d have managed to sort out Christmas presents wouldn’t you? In my defence, I can’t drive now and am often a bit off kilter so need assistance for trips into town! 

It just kind of crept up on me....... especially now I’m back at work! Yep, delighted I didn’t hit a year. I can’t currently do what I was doing this time last year, but at some point I had to start testing myself..... I’ve said it many times, but it’s not as if I’ve been lying in bed, watching Jeremy Kyle! I’ve stayed mentally and physically active most days. It’s time to channel that a bit, while also ensuring I don’t let people down through overcommitment, or set myself back. Gently as we go....... In the new year I’ll be able to properly get some structure back to my day, and start to see what my limitations might be. So far I’ve found there’s little I can’t still do if I concentrate....... my two biggest enemies are tiredness and distraction. Nothing new with the latter.... ‘oooo, shiny’!! 

With the help of a friend today, I managed to at least get a Christmas dinner! Plus a couple of wee things for the boys......... though one of them is likely to find a copy of Wind in the Willows wrapped up with one of their gifts........... it was in the bag, I was wrapping stuff, I’ve no idea what happened in between times but I haven’t managed to locate the book.... It’ll turn up at some stage and we’ll no doubt laugh at its location! 

Scan discussion on 18th Jan, but in the meantime I’m doing what they told ms to do and not worrying because they ‘look good’. Naturally I’m impatient, but I’m pretty good at ignoring things so I’m just doing that!! Happy Christmas xxx

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