
Monday 25 December 2017

The best presents

Written on Christmas Day, but strictly embargoed until engagement news announced to all who need to know!

Christmas just kind of snuck up...... I’d managed to sort a few presents, but hadn’t done terribly well. As far as my husband and son go, I rarely get it right anyway! Apart from this year it seems!...... nothing flash, just a fleece and a dvd each so they’d have something to open this morning. I almost always get the ‘under tree’ gifts wrong.  Hubby tends to pick his own now and we sort my son out through “Do you fancy buying me / paying for me to......?” type bargaining. Better than spending money on things people don’t want (which was always the stuff I’d picked!!) This year The girl done good and I was delighted when both genuinely liked their gifts!  I was spoilt....... which seems unfair as I’ve been being spoilt for the past 11 months...... 

In amongst the wonderful goodies was a paint set. So many people have suggested I try it, but I always felt it wasn’t for me. More recently I realised that my mother and sister was/is arty, and a friend had said I should try it and see what happens. What was even nicer was that hubby had taken time and spoken to the guy in the art shop in order to make sure he got the right set for a total novice. I can’t imagine what’s going to come out of those brushes, but I’m quite curious to see! I go in with zero expectations, so I can’t let myself down!

One friend gave me the most thoughtful package she’d made up. I’m ashamed to admit I’d thrust her gift at her just after I’d said “I’ll at least take the half price sticker off it before I give you it, but I’m not wrapping!” What a friend! She knows I’d go to the end of the world for her though. And back again. I might just need her arm to link in with....!!

Other gifts were beautiful and appreciated, however it seems no-one uses gift tags these days so I’ve already thanked people for gifts they didn’t give me........ and have little doubt I’ll not acknowledge people.
I don’t need gifts anyway. Their time and friendship has been more than enough.

A quiet Christmas Day, but then I got a phone call.......... my sister got engaged!! She was widowed at a young age due to her husband having motor neurone disease, and it was so good to see her settled with a good bloke after all she’d been through. Her (now) fiancĂ© is very loved by my family, and also by her former husbands family (who have always stayed part of ours). Equally, his family have welcomed her (and us) into their fold. Proof that families don’t always have to conform to the traditional.  News of the engagement resulted in my complete inability to stop crying..... good tears....... In my defence, I was watching Love Actually when she rang so I was already fragile....!! I’m matron of honour, so there’ll be no mucking about with being unwell. I take this one seriously....... though I may need to go for empire line due to my ever changing weight! 

Someone committed to looking out for my sister, as she continues to selflessly look out for me. Seems fair. 

Merry Christmas Xxx

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