
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Oh why are we harking...??

Once upon a time a life changed. 

I used to get excited about going to gigs and having big nights out. Now I’m excited by quiet ‘treat nights’ with friends, hair cuts and Carol Services...... but that’s ok! I’m loving my treat nights away with friends and family. Just relaxed time together, all giving me things to look forward to.....

Yesterday I had planned a ‘pixie for Christmas’. After months of headscarves, I reckoned the time had come...... the hair had to go! Unfortunately it’s just not long enough yet. 

My hair loss was largely due to radio to the head. It appeared like male pattern baldness...... a relatively quickly receding hairline. I took to covering the dodgy bit with thick width headbands/scarves and hats when needed. Gradually the bit round the front is growing back. Similar to what The Script say about a heartbreak, it seems that when a “[hairline grows back], no it don’t [grow] even.”  the front and top grew fast, giving me a spiky effect. The left hand side grew quick too..... starting as an undercut type look. The right (surgery) side took longer but had finally started to catch up with the left. So the decision was made. Get it all evened out, short. A pixie for Christmas!

Unfortunately we’re not there yet. The top needs to be longer to get any sort of shape, so I’m stuck with the pirate/Amish look for a wee while yet! 

Not to be disappointed, I went home and performed a very quick turnaround...... changed, fed and ready to attend a carol service. In very Pride and Prejudice style, one of my bosses called to my house and escorted me to the service.  Less traditionally, my husband saw me off at the car, shaking the hand of my gentleman escort, and giving me a kiss before telling us to have a good time.  Isn’t it nice when people can just be mature and secure? 

The service was lovely. Attended by lots of faces I haven’t seen for a while...... some of whom even sang in a choir! An absolute delight. Long enough to make it feel good to have attended, short enough to not drag things out. 

I haven’t been in a church in a while. This became shamefully apparent to me when the processional choir began to walk in, the organist blasted into the first few bars of “Oh Come All ye Faithful”, and I looked round to find the joker about to break into “Oh Why Are We Waiting?” I genuinely thought that’s what they were about to start singing!! I thought they’d added a wee bit of humour in for the attendees...... Why on earth would I think that??? Worse still, I had given the man with me a quizzical look when it started and so was quite sure that he knew what I’d been thinking! It was all I could do to keep the laughter in.... I managed it though. It was made easier by the horrifying noise of my alarm, just as the minister welcomed us........ no of course I can’t find my phone in my bag, sure where’d be the fun in that??......followijg thd ‘did I just swear?’ moment, I found the phone and turned off the alarm for my 7pm anti seizure medication...... that I hadn’t taken with me......... I’ve often wondered what’d happen if you delayed doses....... well, it seems 2.5 hours late is fine! 

Afterwards it was off for a nice cuppa in a local church hall, catching up with people and also (as ever) chatting to a few new!

A carol service. Not a fancy event. A few hours.  Why did it make me feel so good?? A few reasons. I put on a skirt, heels (that was a mistake....), and a tiny bit of make up for the first time in 10 months! I was collected from my house by someone I trust and who’s company I enjoy. Both hubby and I were relaxed in knowing I would be safe, but I also got the fun of having my door opened for me. I felt like a princess, in the traditional, fairytale sense of the expression!! At one stage, when my legs had decided Keep Fit and heels on the same day was too much, I had a gentleman on each arm....... I resisted the urges for a swingsy, but it wasn’t easy........!!

Last night I wasn’t the poor wee sick girl. I was the girl who’d made the tiniest bit of effort.  I was the independent girl going out with work colleagues.  Yet also the girl who was safe and secure at all times. Being challenged but, as always, with a little help from my friends...... 

Once upon a time..... 
And then she knew she’d get the independent side of her life back and live happily ever after with her family and friends all around her. 
Very far from The End

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