
Saturday 17 March 2018

New life.......

Our life of ‘living with’ my brain tumour is very much taking shape now. My biggest challenge is now ensuring I don’t go off like the hare! Tortoise, tortoise, tortoise...... Thankfully I have family and friends keeping me in check.

I have been very busy the past few weeks. Probably too much so. I’ve been tired as a result and a bit of sporadic anxiety was starting to creep back in. 

So the last week has been spent taking some control of that again. I’m meditating daily again and am back out trying to get daily walks. I’m trying to watch my diet again and am re-enforcing my evening ‘tech curfew’.

I am back at work. In a slightly limited capacity, with reduced hours, but still adding value to the organisation. The support has been fantastic. I am not allowed to work in an office alone due to the seizure risk. This is sensible for everyone. Thankfully a number of people have been willing to become ‘buddies’ to me........ I have spoken to them about my condition, explained any seizure risk, what it would look like, what they should do etc. We are arranging additional first aid training for them, specifically for dealing with epileptic seizures. These wonderful colleagues have agreed to take part in this, look out for me, and we have simple systems in place whereby I always check in etc. It keeps me safe but also allows me independence to work. The willingness to help me has been humbling and heart warming. I am hugely grateful to the group of people who’ve readily stepped up. 

I also now have a ‘safe space’ in work. A quiet place. This is invaluable to me and I am currently making it a place of relaxation and peace. My haven. There is little doubt that a full day at work exhausts me. My ‘safe space’ not only gives me somewhere to go if I feel unwell, but also gives me somewhere I can go to just chill out and take a break for half an hour. Even knowing it’s there has resulted in any anxiety levels reducing. I check in with someone so everyone knows I’m safe, but I can take some time out alone. I’m currently making this space my haven...... with books and a blanket, a comfy cushion...... Little things, but really big things to me.

I continue to use any days off and free time to spend quality time with family and friends. I try to do a weekly adventure with my dad and am thoroughly enjoying drives and walks and meals out with my husband and friends. We are happy and we are enjoying life. 

This weekend i am loving having my sister and brother in law over visiting. I had read about an idea whereby people paint and decorate stones at the beach. You hide them and take photos that you post to your Facebook page. Friends can then go and look for them and post photos back to you. It’s really for kids....... I think....... or maybe it’s just for people who want to smile. My sister and I hid some in Portballintrae today. It was absolutely freezing, so I can only apologise for the lack of creativity....... we couldn’t feel our hands and,for want of a better expression, “the snotters were tripping us!!” But please feel free to go looking for them if you’re in the area! Next time we do it we have decided to pick a warm, sunny day!! 

Life remains good. We’re making our adjustments and we are not letting this thing drag us down. 

As ever, completely grateful to and in love with my Support Team. 15 months on, and still an ever growing team of people around me. Believing in me. Supporting me. Patiently holding me up. 


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