
Tuesday 20 March 2018

Macmillan Fundraising update

We had set up a Just Giving fundraising page for the planned charity rock gig in May. It’s grown somewhat........ There are now four linked events! I’ve deliberately kept it on one page as this allows all the money to go back to the local Macmillan Team in Causeway that saved my life.

We now have four associated events!

TriciaFest, Vicky & Andy’s Wedding Gift Donations, Work Coffee morning & Warren York’s Fast

All in aid of Macmillan.

The story?

Event #1 -  Charity Rock Night

The Diamond Rock Club

Saturday 26th May

Public event, open to all

featuring :-

Fragment (Classic Rock covers band)

Trucker Diablo

Nasa Assassin

Gasoline Outlaws

Lo Major

Gig and Belfast beer bus tickets available from

For those who can’t attend the gig or it’s not your thing, but who still want to donate, hit us up here! 

Event #2 -The extra twist! -

My sister and her fiancé have amazingly generously decided to get married earlier in the day and have asked for no wedding presents, rather donations to Macmillan. For ease, we’re going to capture all the donations via one page, be they wedding gifts or Triciafest donations. One family, one story, one massive push for Macmillan!

Private event - invite only 

Event #3 - PLUS we now have a work coffee morning tagging onto the page!

Private event - invite only

Event #4 - And my mate Warren York is doing a sponsored fast.

Not really an ‘event’ as such. Just send him your support!

Give to any of the above four ‘events’  here.........

Thank you. You guys rock!! Xxx

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