
Thursday 1 March 2018

Gigs, love, support, SPRING!

It may be snowing outside, but it is Springtime in my heart! What a few weeks!!

After discharge from Causeway Hospital just four weeks ago today, I am completely blown away by the leaps and bounds forward we’ve made!! It’s hard to summarise so much, but I’ll do my best........

Home - 
My house is spring cleaned, my ducks are in a row, my life is very much moving forward! 

Last night I attended my first gig since the end of 2016! My rocker friends, many of whom I’ve known and gigged with since my teens, overwhelmed me with the same love, care and genuine support that I’ve enjoyed from family, friends and work colleagues. 

It’s hard to describe without sounding totally gushing, but I am so humbled by the support I’ve been given. So many people have rallied behind me and become part of my fight and my story. 

Last night I went to watch The Temperance Movement at The Empire in Belfast. A big deal for me........ how would I cope with the crowds, the lights, the noise??........ I was treated like a princess!! The venue let me in early and got me seats etc. I got settled in, ear defenders on......... and then I just lapped up the love and support that overwhelmed me from all around! Enjoying the music and atmosphere of watching and hearing a live band...... the same as I have since I was a teenager! I sang and I smiled all night. Yes, I needed the ear defenders and I needed the seat, but I was so happy! I’m still smiling this morning!!

People I’ve barely met before approached me to say they read the blog and to offer encouragement and support. The gig circle is a tight and supportive one. Close friends who’ve been there the whole way through were just overjoyed to see me back out. Everyone on my side. Everyone giving me strength and support. I was hugged and kissed and encouraged and supported and praised..... I am overwhelmed and humbled by the sheer faith people have put in me, and your ability to get behind me. 

Work - 
I am back! A slightly different role and working closer to home, but very much back into things. As ever, bosses and colleagues have been hugely supportive. I’m excited about getting back and adding value to an organisation I’m very proud to be part of. 

My life is back! After a 14 month sabbatical, I find myself very much firmly back in the driving seat. It’s like I’ve been given a completely fresh start, complete with a totally awakened mind! 

I am now living with a brain tumour....... we’re mates....... We won’t fall out again. I am not scared or intimidated by her anymore. 

I’m just keeping a tight eye on her....... I think she’s clear now who the boss is........ I have an army behind me and I’m not interested in falling out again, but I WILL win again if she insists on another fight. She seems content with this. No-one ever really likes conflict anyway...... always best to work together......

We’ll officially check in on her in 3 months time with a scan. And then we’ll just keep engaging in a bit of ‘side eye’ with each other.......  Although both in the knowledge that I’m stronger, backed by warriors, and unafraid of her. If she misbehaves then we’ll go back to war, but we know what we’re capable of now, so it’s easier to be confident.

Life is good!
#livingwith #lovinglife #movingon #springingforward #overwhelminglove #iknowthebestpeople #completesupport #soloved #sograteful #sickeninglyhappy #feelingnothingbutlove #givingnothingbutlove #bestlifeever #affirmation #bitemeifyoudontfeelthelove 

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