
Saturday 24 March 2018

Birthdays, friends, fundraising, living life.......

What a week!! Where to start??.......

I’m back at work in a phased way. Excited to be contributing in an unpressured way. Adding value and letting me keep some sense of myself. Hugely supported and hugely grateful to wonderful bosses. Common sense approach ensuring the best for everyone concerned. Even getting ready to deliver a TEDTalk on Challenge. 

I celebrate my 43rd birthday tomorrow. Good for me!! Alive, as healthy as can be hoped for currently, happy, positive, and very much moving life forwards in a positive way.

I remain hugely positive and immensely happy with my life. Of course I wish I didn’t have the brain tumour...... but I remain determined to not let it win. And as ever, my Support Team are keeping me held up as needed.

After a wonderful meal out with beautiful friends last night, I have enjoyed my best nights sleep in months. I’ve awoken with a stinking cold, painfully swollen lower legs/feet (presumably from lying so still while sleeping so soundly for once!) I have received beautiful birthday gifts, but more importantly, am continuing to enjoy a happy and fulfilled life with my amazing family and friends.

My next scan date came in........ 26 April........ it’s good timing. Long enough away to allow me get my head ready mentally, but not too close to my sister’s wedding date to have it hanging over us. Still hoping for a miracle, but I’ll settle for a ‘no change’ quite happily.

I am here. Very much alive. Very much living and loving life. Be happy with me. Enjoy life...... it’s very precious.

And finally....... don’t forget to put your hand in your pocket for Macmillan...... thanks xxx

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