
Saturday 24 February 2018

Spring in the air......

After a ‘big day’ on Thursday, I had promised myself a quieter day yesterday....... But then I woke up full of ideas and energy! After 13 months of being unwell, it’s hard to fight against a newfound lust for life! I’m eating well, sleeping well (for no more than 3 hours at a time, but very solidly while I’m under!) and am both physically and mentally in a great place. So I cleaned the house and even did a solo run into town.

Rather than sitting around waiting for disaster, I’m very much now ‘learning to live with.....’ My next scan is in 3 months. To date the tumour is smaller and not unhappy with me...... I’m respecting it, whilst refusing to be intimidated by it.

I’m building life back up. Gently and in a stress free way. More fluid, a bit less organised...... but just a little more structure than there’s been for a while.

Starting with a bit of a Spring clean, I’m now the proud owner of 5 shiny new notebooks and have been busy filling them with information, thoughts, ideas, plans...... There’s a work one, a home one, a health one, one for my sisters wedding...... Instead of everything being randomly scribbled in the same notebook, I’ve now introduced just a little order. Just enough. My inner geek rejoices!

I’m putting a bad 13 months behind me and starting afresh. Today was spent literally gutting my wardrobe. I think I’m left with about 20% of the clothes/shoes/bags etc that I previously had.  But what’s left is all freshly laundered and hung neatly (grouped and organised....). Just enough structure and order, but not too much....... I have also carefully injected lots of colour! The blacks and greys and navy’s have been replaced by purples and greens and blues. 

Spring has sprung in this house! The next stage of the journey........ Living with...... So far it’s a great section of the road. Xxx

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