
Thursday 22 February 2018


Massively full and exciting day today! I’m exhausted now but will try to summarise today’s accomplishments.......

Firstly I managed to attend a RVH hospital appointment, without any nerves, tears or drama. I felt strong and I left with answers to everything I’d asked. My only very slight wobble was in a lift (there’s one in the old building that has very bad juju for me...... seriously......), but it was a ripple of mild anxiety and I was able to talk to hubby about it and stop there being any panic or drama. In control.

Then I went to into work and was further reminded why I remain passionate about working in an amazing organisation, full of some very special people. I left feeling excited at the prospect of getting back into my working life more fully again. 

My day ended with a homecoming to a box filled full of Lush! goodies for long, relaxing baths! (A gift from me to me...... and I’m good at picking gifts haha!) Plus a lovely thank you letter from the Consultant and her fabulous Ward colleagues that looked after me in Causeway (I’d sent them in thank you hampers). I’m trying to work out how to stop myself getting into a ‘thank you for your thank you’ thank you spiral!! But isn’t it nice when we all just take a moment to appreciate each other?

I spent this evening sending messages to a few people, just doing exactly that. Saying thank you. Appreciating people. Because I genuinely do appreciate each and everyone one of you that has shown me love and support over the past 13 months. 

You’ve backed the right horse....... thank you for the faith. Xxx

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