
Monday 5 February 2018


Where’s the off switch??.....
After a couple of unsettled days when I first got home, feeling a bit anxious and overwhelmed, I turned a corner. Now I’m a ball of energy. No nervous or unhealthy energy....... quite the opposite. 

I have done a crazy amount of stuff using my brain in the past couple of days....... I am eating like a horse and am generally feeling really good. Now I’m making sure to keep the horse on a tight reign....... before she gallops off to change the world........! 

Be the tortoise, be the tortoise, be the tortoise........!! Don’t run so fast your feet can’t keep up! No more falling down. Thankfully I now have a 3 visit a day care plan, which ensures I have someone here to help me safely get up, showered and fed without the risk of falling in a heap. The girls are lovely and it’s going well so far. I’m being supported and I’m accepting the help being offered. Accepting it’s ok to need it for a while. 
Causeway Cares. Very different to my Big Smoke experience.

Gently, unhurriedly, trying to change the world slightly for the best, planning (and hijacking) my sister’s wedding, eating, gently getting back on my feet....... that’s enough to keep me going for a few weeks. 

Just time to fit in a pixie cut (finally! Let’s get this weird 80’s mullet sorted) tomorrow, and even nails and eyebrows on Friday. All getting me ready to deal with a neurology appt on Thursday.

Watch out world........ she’s back!

*shakes head (gently), and softly scolds myself...... Tortoise, tortoise, tortoise......

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