
Tuesday 13 February 2018


Tomorrow marks one year since the first blog entry! Where has the time gone?? I’m still not entirely sure what made me start it, but from day one of this ‘adventure’ I’ve felt an overwhelming need to write. 

The blog has ended up serving a number of functions..... 
  1. It gets things out of my head. Writing it down means I have to think it all out and make sense of what’s going on. For me, it’s a useful process that stops thoughts spiralling away from me. Writing the blog makes me take time to reflect and gently  ‘press the bruises’ to see how they feel.
  2. It allows friends and family to check in. There are people who I know regularly check it rather than bombard me with questions. 
  3. It shares my story and experiences with others. Feedback has been positive, with fellow patients, their families and others telling me it has helped them understand they’re not alone, what they might expect, and also provided some hope and a few laughs among the way.
I still feel somewhat amazed that anyone reads it, but feel pretty humbled that they do. I hope it helps people; be it by sharing a bit of information, positivity or happiness.

The past year has been completely mad! It’s put us through every emotion known. At some points it has been the worst and most terrifying year of my life. And yet I find myself a year on, a changed and enriched person. I know who and what are/is important in life. I understand the simple pleasures and feel awakened by life and the people and world around me. 

I know we all rhyme off all the stuff about grabbing life etc, but trust me when I say it’s all true! You don’t know when it’ll change. Grab life. Keep your eyes and mind open to those around you....... take time to notice people. Same goes for the natural world around you. There is beauty everywhere. Don’t let the Wide World suck you in completely........ always take time to go back to the Riverbank. Xxx

One year stats to feed your inner nerd!
  • Total posts - 204 (average of 17/ month)
  • Total views - 47,532 (an average of 130 views per day)
  • 95% of readers are based in the UK or Ireland.
  • 77% view on phones....... I wonder how many meetings I have helped you through..... haha ;)
  • The most read posts are  “Who am I?” ( seems like a sensible place to start!), followed by “I made you a promise” and “Finally I sleep” (terrible title in hindsight...... sorry about that!)
I will keep blogging while you guys keep reading. Is there a book in me? Honestly, I’d like to try, but am not sure what it’d look like. Plus of course all the usual self doubts we all experience when thinking about trying such things....... Although it’s fair to say  I listen to self doubt less than I used to now!

Thanks for the continued support, understanding and interest. Now go and embrace life........ it’s good!! Xxx

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