
Friday 23 February 2018

Don’t flatter yourself..... you’re just a stat!

Always reassuring to know you’re not alone in being poisoned simply because of a lack of money, care and thought, combined with a creaky system....... 

I’m officially a statistic.......🤦🏻‍♀️  Though at least I’ve been lucky enough to be left with no permanent damage from it............Thanks to tenacious and dedicated doctors and nurses in Causeway Hospital (both in the Rehab Wards and Macmillan Teams).......

Great to see all the politicians rushing to sort it out....... God knows, this guy ain’t no use to us......... 

Here’s a radical thought!........ what we really need are some local politicians that have a handle on things......... You know? Some mature ones that understand what’s actually important to those they are supposed to represent and advocate for?

Oh god, we’re all doooooooomed!! 🙄🙈 I’m off to chain myself to Stormont gates......

<As usual, all views my own>

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