
Saturday 17 February 2018

Science and shopping!

I’ve had the best day! Tonight’s blog could be a long one!!

This morning hubby and I went to Belfast to an Open Day at the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology at QUB (in the City Hospital grounds). Set up by the late, well known and respected Patrick Johnston, the things we heard about simply blew me away. I only knew him by reputation, but what a legacy to have left behind!

We listened to some short presentations about some of the amazing research and trials being done there in relation to breast, bowel and prostate cancer. It was so heartening!! My experience of the Belfast Trust has very much been a ‘siloed approach’, with each person doing their bit and then throwing you on to the next. They talk about a Multi Disciplinary Team, but I’ve never seen much evidence of it in my case. So to hear a group of people talk about, and give examples of, the importance of ‘moving away from set disciplines’ and ‘working on cancer as a whole’ was completely refreshing and reassuring to my ears! 

Not just throwing pills at things...... really doing to research. Looking at the patients, gathering a vast range of data, and not being afraid to look at things like food and exercise and lifestyle....... both in a cause and cure context. 

‘Better outcomes’. ‘Fresh ideas’.  Each speaker was clearly impassioned about the part they can play. It was dynamic and exciting and I had to stop myself from jumping off my seat at one stage and shouting “An analyst could help you with that!! I’ll do it! Send me the raw data and I’ll do it for free! Let me help!” 

Collaborative working! Students and academics and researchers and scientists and nurses and oncologists and private industry........ all working together towards the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for those with cancer.  No-one looking down on anyone else. Everyone readily contributing their expertise and skills, and taking an interest in that being contributed by others. Big brains, getting together and thinking big thoughts!

We also had a tour of the labs. We saw live prostate cancer cells under a microscope....... quite pretty....... like snowflakes or ice crystallising........ The brain tumour ones, in contrast, were horrid! Wormy looking, like when they opened up the dalek head in Dr Who...... parasitic looking....... yikes! I did ask if they could find mine as I know I had samples sent for DNA testing etc, but confidentiality stuff means they can’t match exact samples to a name within the lab. It was kind of weird standing in a lab filled with samples, looking at live brain tumour cells under a microscope and knowing they could be yours, or that yours could be stored elsewhere in the room! Weird, a bit cool, mostly weird. When I saw how ugly they were I decided I was grateful not to be able to see my own!! This way, I can imagine mine don’t look like that....... mine aren’t wiggling about like the Ebola cells Dustin Hoffman looks at in the film ‘Outbreak’, mine are making pretty shapes like crackling frost on spring leaves. 

I’m still buzzing with nerdy excitement 6 hours later! 

With 7,500 new cancer diagnosises in Northern Ireland every year, this is the way forward! I feel like gathering up all our Stormont Ministers that are wasting time bickering over nonsense, and making them see what they should be spending their time doing! Work together! Respect each other! GAH!! I’m enthused and excited and frustrated all at once! 

If you see a skinny girl, with a ‘young Jamie Lee Curtis’style hair do, chained to the gates of Stormont in the next few weeks, it’s probably me....... come say hi!!

Fresh from this blast of energy, I did what sometimes just needs to be done........ I went shopping! Poor hubby would begrudge me nothing at the moment and trotted around with me, with a smile on his face, carrying the bags.

First up....... make up. I never wore much during the day anyway, but haven’t worn any for over a year now. This morning I’d decided to put some on, only to find it’d all dried up. So off to Benefit we went...... I replaced my entire daily needs...... tinted moisturiser, cheek tint, blush, mascara, eyebrow tinter...... Not the cheapest trip I’ve ever had, but not extortionate, and I think deserved!

I got some clothes...... again, nothing extortionate, but a few nice, comfortable, good quality items. Why should a girl not feel comfy and pretty after a tough year??

Some stationary (the nerd is always there...... gonna be working, gonna be treating myself to highlighters and notebooks and stuff!)

Finally........ I made hubby put a ring on it again........ I haven’t worn my wedding or engagement rings for over a year. At the start because I was in hospitals etc, and then just because I was scared of losing them. This morning I went to put them on but they’re far too big. I don’t want to resize them while I’m still resizing the rest of me........ the ‘heroin chic’ look should be left to Kate Moss........ I’m not planning on staying 7 stone 4, with purple needle bruises still all up my arms...... So my rings can stay until I’m levelled out, weight wise. In the meantime though, now that I’m back out and about, I feel a bit naked without them. So poor hubby was dragged to Links of London in House of Fraser, and for a modest amount, I have obtained a simple but pretty silver ring, with a sparkly crystal centre, and he has obtained my hand in marriage for the second time in 22 years. Lucky, lucky man hahaha!! 

I am home exhausted, but envigorated and happy and as ever full of a love for life I’m not sure I could ever adequately describe. In short..... I feel physically and mentally fantastic, and I’m happy. Plus I’ve hadPizza Express ;)

Life is good. Xxx

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't think of anything nicer just after valentines day for a cool boy he's a real romantic... you're new found energy is obvious for all to see so enjoy the new look,the new clothes, the make-up but most of all the new lease of life. You are a legend x
