
Wednesday 4 April 2018

Back to front...... and patience!

Patience. Not my strong point. Never was! 

Following the breakthrough seizures last week, medications changed. The change has done the job it was meant to do, and I don’t feel at any risk of a seizure at all. It’s great to have my confidence back in that sense. I feel less of a burden on others.

Unfortunately it seems there’s a trade off...... I’m exhausted, dizzy and the slightest task can take what seems like forever. It’d be so nice if there was one person who had all the answers....... if there even were clear cut answers. Which I know there aren’t. Too many variables, too many chefs. 

Thankfully hubby and I have taken holidays from work for a couple of weeks, so we are using them to get a rest and try to find a bit of balance again. I’m very much remaining hopeful that the reduction in sharpness has largely been brought on by doing too much at once, while trying to fight a sinus infection. I’ve shifted that infection now and am hoping that I’ll start to see an improvement in how I feel when I’ve finished the antibiotic course this evening. Patience.

In the meantime I am continuing to push myself a tiny bit (daily short walks in fresh air, light housework), daily mental tasks (wedding planning/ writing this blog/ taking notes and making lists of ‘stuff’ that needs done), but all whilst getting plenty of rest and being kind to myself. 

Bizarrely, I was at physio this morning, and discovered I’ve been using my walking stick completely wrong! I was shown wrong at the start and have been using it in the wrong hand..... which might explain why I was getting a bit of muscle pain down one side. Apparently it’s more commonly done than you might think! The stick is really a security blanket anyway. It’s to give me an extra support if I get dizzy. Now that it’s in the right hand, that might work a bit better. Doh!

Not my best week, but as ever delighting in the wonderful shining stars around me. Hubby remains my total rock, without whom I think I’d have crumpled completely. 

I’ve also had some particularly fabulous moments that have made me smile from ear to ear. All have involved people....... my shining stars just reminding me that they care and that they’ve got my back. As ever, some from wonderfully unexpected sources. Kindred spirits, attracted together like magnets. Constant support and a complete ability to jump into my crazy journey! 

Still learning to live with..... Still resolute. Still smiling. Still winning.

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