
Friday 6 April 2018

Good health, good talk, good hair, good energies......

What more could a girl ask for?? 

Today was a big day for a number of reasons.....  

Firstly, in health terms - 
Good meds.....I had urgent bloods taken yesterday due to my increased fogginess. Plus it was agreed my anti seizure medication would be lowered back down again; just in the morning. This is what I wanted. Everyone is confident that the breakthrough seizures were due to a sinus infection rather than anything more sinister. Increasing my seizure medication worked to control them, but left me tired, foggy and miserable. Not a life I want. I’m content that the meds mix should be right now...... I am taking personal responsibility around this moving forwards. Increased mood is great, but I’m not jumping in too quick again. I will take my time and go slow. Listen to my body and look after it. There will be lots of ‘down time’, a healthier diet, with less sugar and processed foods, and more fresh fruit and veg. If you have an infection of any type, particularly ENT related, then please stay away from me. 

Also good bloods...... yesterday had ended badly. After a fabulous reiki/ relaxation session I had returned to be told I had to have urgent bloods taken due to my fogginess, increased seizure activity and feeling of confusion. A good thing that things were taken seriously and I’m very grateful to the efficiency of my dedicated Hospice Nurse and my GP surgery. As ever, my veins didn’t play well and i feel sorry for the poor nurse who had to admit defeat after 5 attempts (my fault, not hers - I insisted she keep going). Thankfully fresh eyes and a smaller needle allowed them to be taken. Today it was confirmed that they look fine. Sinus/ear infection seems to be lifted (which I knew, but nice to have confirmed), liver and kidney function all looking good, and white blood count “well up”. Happy days. Good for confidence to know things look ok. 

Secondly, Tedtalking
Next week I am delivering a short TedTalk for work. I’m one of about half a dozen who will deliver short presentations on ‘Challenge’. Today we had a rehearsal. I was a little nervous, and undoubtedly rambled a little.... I definitely added in some very poor jokes due to nerves! Thankfully feedback was really good and I left feeling very much ‘lifted’ in terms of self confidence. A big, exciting step!

Thirdly, good hair -
Not exactly life changing, but all good for wellbeing! My horribly dry and half bald post surgery/radiotherapy scalp is now soft and covered in ever thickening healthy, dark hair. A few greys, but really very few. I don’t miss my long, flame red locks one bit and am enjoying the liberation of my new look. Again, sometimes little things can make a huge difference in terms of mood and overall wellbeing. 

Finally, good energies 
As ever, I maintain the ‘goods’ from today have been driven by the good people around me. Hubby has been off work with me this week. He’s dried my tears many times as I struggled with the difficulties caused by the sinus infection and meds mix. Yesterday I had my first session with an old school friend who now specialises in reiki/ relaxation/ reflexology etc She was fabulous. The positive feedback and energy from the TedTalk rehearsal today lifted me hugely. It felt like I was doing something positive..... sharing how a serious health challenge can genuinely have a positive impact on lives. I’m looking forward to hearing everyone deliver theirs next week, and to feeling the achievement of delivering my own. 
Additionally, my sister’s wedding plans are now almost completely finalised, and it’s going to be a fantastic, fun day for everyone! Those attending are an eclectic mix, and I am both delighted and excited by their willingness to jump aboard and enjoy a fun time with my fabulously easygoing and beautiful sister, and her wonderful fiancé. Plus she’s coming to visit next week and I am almost bursting with excitement at the thought of getting time with her!
Macmillan fundraising is going great too. We have four events to raise cash for the local Causeway Team, and already have 25% of the aimed total raised..... I’m now hoping we could well surpass my initial hoped for total. This would mean the world to me. This team of amazing people literally saved my life. They are selfless and wonderful. At a time when we hear nothing but negative news stories about of Health Service, it feels important to be able to give back to a local team who do such important work.

Back on the up. I’m exhausted this evening, but in a really positive way. My plans for this weekend involve some fresh air, time with hubby and plenty of relaxation. Building myself up again, getting ready again for living with, and beating, this thing that tried to stop us.

Moving forwards...... xxx


  1. Good read as usual..... keep up the positivity and I'd just like to say there's nothing wrong with grey hair...��

    1. Some of my very favourite people have grey hair George. Just look at my handsome husband for a start! Xx

    2. Great your reducing your sugar and processed food !! Nasties .

      Try adding Epsom salts to your bath for muscle pain and add few drops of pure Lavender oil . Both will aid sleep 💕

    3. I’ll confess to mixed success rates..... Some days I get major sugar cravings but I always seem to pay for it if I give in. So I’m getting really strict with myself. My treat is a couple of biscuits with a cuppa after my dinner in the evening.
      A banana before bed is becoming a good habit too.
      As for the joint and muscle pains.... I woke today after 4am and ended up in tears of pain. Felt someone who really doesn’t like me had a voodoo doll..... awful. I could hardly walk. Then hubby rubbed magnesium spray onto my ankles and knees. It was like a miracle! Instant relief and my feet are smaller than they’ve been in months. My shoes will be too big lol! On the back of that success, I had a bath this afternoon and added magnesium flakes. Then I used magnesium gel on my aching joints. I’m amazed at the difference! And hugely relieved..... I’m due to reduce steroid again on Tuesday and was nervous about it. I feel more confident about it now. And I’m keen to keep going. Let’s get rid of these things! Xxx
