
Friday 20 April 2018


I’ve no idea how or why it happens, but some days my Shining Stars just seem to come out in force. Like magnetic energies just draw us all together. It’s amazing!

Today is one of those days. The sun is shining and my shining stars are glittering so brightly that my heart is full. 

After a break over Easter, I’ve spent this week again trying to find some balance for my life moving forward. It’s been tough enough, mainly due to changes in medications again. My steroids are being slowly reduced. A good thing. I want to be off them completely. But the reality is that they give a bit of a ‘buzz’ that can be hard to lose...... It’s a fake high and not how I want to live, so I’ll keep doggedly working through the slight dips in order to get myself back to the ‘real me’. It’s not easy to be awake from 3.30am every day, to feel dizzy, have joint pains, fluid retention and sometimes just feel completely overwhelmed. 

It’s ironic to me that I have essentially become one of the prescription drug addicts that I used to write about in my job! Thankfully I have the support, knowledge and determination to power through this part of my journey. With the help of my ever fabulous and wide ranging Support Team, that’s exactly what I’m doing. It won’t be overnight, but I’m getting there. 

It’s not even lunch time and I feel today has already brought complete joy in the form of people..... from family, friends, work colleagues, doctors and nurses..... everyone is smiling, everyone is supportive, everyone is drawing in and sharing good energy today! 

I’m not sure what else I can say tbh. Just that it’s wonderful and that, in this moment, life feels very, very good. Xxx

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