
Wednesday 13 June 2018

Fundraising update

Latest Triciafest fundraising update...... £7,926 in the Just Giving account and I also have another cheque for Macmillan for £100. Total of £8,026, which is fantastic!! 

Huge thanks again to everyone who helped; be it through giving up your time, donating cash or prizes, attending the gig etc etc! I know all the best folk.

I’m currently talking to the Macmillan fundraising team about how your generous donations will be used to help local cancer patients and their families. I’ll report back once we have final decisions but I’ve worked hard and have gained agreement that the money raised will definitely come back locally and be used for very practical purposes. It’s not going into a big national pot to pay for admin or the like. Tenacious is my middle name! 

Thanks again to everyone who contributed. I’ll update with the tangible outcomes as soon as I can. Be very proud of yourselves. You’re making a difference. Xx

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