
Saturday 9 June 2018

‘The working class gong’

I was told around 2 weeks ago that I was going to be named in the Queens Birthday Honours list. I was given a letter that I looked blankly at, before handing it to my husband, saying ‘You need to take that. I can’t comprehend what it means!’ I then spent the rest of the day spontaneously bursting out laughing and crying. So just generally being overwhelmed.

Every time I’ve thought about it since, I’ve felt much the same. Do I deserve a medal?? Of course not. I’ll admit that the cynic in me rose up for a short time and I began to worry it was a ‘sympathy medal’. But you know what? I’m not thinking like that ever again. 

I am being awarded a British Empire Medal. Nicknamed “the working class gong”. An unfussy medal, for ordinary people that do a half decent job. Am I proud to be awarded that?? Damn right I am! Overjoyed. Proud as punch. Lapping it up! 

Being rewarded for services to policing is something I hugely proud of. After 16 years, I genuinely remain passionate about the organisation I work for. It’s full of good people, doing amazing things. My enthusiasm has only grown since I became unwell. Returning to work has restored a purpose for me. It allows me to still add some value and maintain a degree of independence. The support I’ve received from PSNI has allowed me to do this in a safe and unpressured way. Is it difficult to maintain my enthusiasm? Not one bit!! I used to sell pest control for a living........ I’ve never, ever taken my roles in policing for granted.

Unashamedly delighted, I’ve celebrated with a close to perfect day..... family time, lunch and then a sea paddle in the sun with my sister! 

If I can get a medal then there’s a chance for anyone! Seems sometimes all you have to do is your best.  


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