
Wednesday 6 June 2018

‘Normal’ morning....

How many times have I said I crave a ‘normal’ life?? Well, sometimes ‘normal’ can mean a catalogue of things going wrong! Thankfully my sense of humour has always held and I’ve done nothing but laugh this morning, following an almost unbelievable sequence of unfortunate events!

I was up early as usual. I had a good night’s sleep last night after a day working in Belfast and an evening spent rehearsing at our work Wellbeing Choir practice! Then I received a phone call from my lift to work - my wonderful friend who has done so much for me had forgotten she had to go somewhere else and so couldn’t collect me this morning. She had sent me a text but just discovered it hadn’t gone. No problem, I can get myself in another way........

N.B. everything in the following paragraphs is 100% true and has not been exaggerated in any way. This is ‘normal’!!

Plan A - My neighbour will be dropping her kids to school. I’ll ask her if I can hitch a lift. I opened my front door just as she drove past....

Plan B - My Dad. I rang him but he didn’t hear the phone, so no answer.

Plan C - Taxi. I rang my usual company but they were fully booked for school runs.

Plan D - Bus. I walked round the corner of my cul de sac to see the town centre bus drive past the end of the road! 

By this stage I’ve got the giggles because I couldn’t make this stuff up!! I’m on the phone to hubby, telling him I’m going to start to walk to work, confident someone I know will stop and give me a lift on the way past. Truthfully, I was quite enjoying the walk. Lovely morning and my knees and ankles are still full of steroid induced fluid that needs walked off. 

Plan E - Walk. All very pleasant, but it’s a distance of about 2.5 miles...... maybe just a wee bit too far.

Plan F - Back to Plan B! Where would us girls be without our dads?? He rang me back and was straight up the road to collect me. 

I got into work, only to discover I was locked out of my office! Easily rectified.

The outcome?? 
  1. I was about an hour and a half later into work than I expected to be. No-one is worried about that.
  2.  I had a lovely morning walk. I saw my dear old dad unexpectedly. 
  3. I was reminded that i have an almost normal life! And that often it can be amusing! Yet again I find myself smiling and enjoying life, despite it seeming to have gone a bit wrong....
Sometimes you miss the bus. Enjoy it!! Xxx

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