
Tuesday 23 October 2018

No going back.....

“Been down one time, 
been down two times,
I’m never going back again.”
Never Going Back by Fleetwood Mac 

A visit to the GP yesterday. He believes I may have a virus that could be affecting me worse due to finishing the steroids.  Bloods show slight inflammation but nothing to panic about. To be redone in 3 weeks time. 

Good news is no-one has suggested I go back on the steroids! In fairness they probably wouldn’t dare, because they know the response they’d get! I still have very sore joints and a rash on my face, but it’s improving. I’ll put up with the short term pain for the long term gain. 

I’ve stayed off work until I feel a bit stronger and am being supported by friends while hubby is at work during the day. On Thursday I’ve got appointments with both Oncology  and Neurology...... one in Belfast and one in Coleraine, but thankfully enough time between them to get from one to the other. A day to look forward to...... I’m deep breathing and refusing to get anxious about it.  Hubby is holding me close and keeping me calm. I already know my last scan results have been classed as ‘stable’ so that means they’re similar to the previous which showed an improvement. I’ll take it!

I’m also having my first hypnotherapy session this afternoon. I’m looking forward to it. The guy doing it is a friend so hopefully he won’t leave me crawling round the house, barking like a dog!! I’m much more open to alternative therapies now. Not the cynic I used to be. Going to reiki and doing my sea bathing has shown me what a huge difference things like that can make and I intend to keep them up. I’m completely sold on a more hippy-type approach. Though I will NOT be taking cannabis oil or other potions. Wellbeing and mindfulness is a big yes, replacing scientifically proven medication with untested herbal stuff is a big no.  Though I still make sure to question every pill the medical people try to make me take and have refused many of them, including diazepam (at least 5 times) and HRT (as if my hormones weren’t crazy enough due to the steroids!)

As for steroids? Never going back again. Xxx

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