
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Steroids and me.......

A letter to my steroid tablets (dexamethasone)

Dear Dexy,

Why can you not just leave me alone? I know it might be difficult to accept, but after 19 months I’ve had enough of you and I want us to split up. I’ve tried to let you down gently by reducing how much I see of you over the past 6 months. I shouldn’t have stayed with you for more than 3 months to begin with, but nobody warned me how much you would get your claws into me the longer I stayed with you. Nobody suggested you might do me harm in the long term and that I should break up with you before then.

The day was always going to come when we had to just make the break. I’m disappointed that you feel the need to make me so miserable. Making me feel slightly nauseous and dizzy is bad enough, but to give me a horrible, angry rash on my face and neck, and leave me hardly able to move due to joint pain, is just mean. I refuse to be beaten by you and I wish you’d just let me walk away without all this unnecessary drama. 

I’m seeking advice, but be warned...... I will dump you as soon as is physically possible. You can force me to take you back in a limited amount over the short term, but ultimately I’m leaving you. Please rethink your position and let me get on with my life. Let’s consciously uncouple for the benefit of everyone. 

Yours in hope,


  1. Dump him Tricia, you know he’s no good! He lied about all the good he was doing for you and cheated by making you feel you needed him.
    It’s never easy to get rid of the needy ones but you’ll do it! Just takes time and perseverance xx

    1. He’s dumped! Although now I’m hearing he might’ve been protecting me. Always conflicting information from everyone. So frustrating.
