
Friday 26 October 2018

Yaaayyy but ooowwww

I’m in agony. Everyone’s a bit noncommittal about the cause of my muscle pains. It could be medication induced lupus, it could be muscle wastage caused by so long on the steroids, it could be a virus, it could be something else. So frustrating. Especially because it’s knocked me off my feet a bit. I’ve spent the week at home, mostly moping. I’m in pain and am tired from a lack of sleep caused by the constant muscle spasms. 

Ironically this continues at a time when I should be dancing! Yesterday I had appointments with both oncology and neurology.  The news from oncology was particularly emotive;  
“your scan shows the improvement seen in the previous one has continued”..... at which point the tears started as usual! Best news ever!! 
I’m desperately trying to focus on that news and not let it be ruined by sore muscles and an ugly face rash...... those things don’t matter. They are a short term discomfort. ‘Continued improvement’ has potential to add years onto my life. Hardly a comparison...... 

My sister sent me a lucky t-shirt. I wore it yesterday and it’s currently in the washing machine...... all ready to be worn again, hopefully with the same results! Xxx

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