
Sunday 14 October 2018

Sea healing

My second day without steroids. My poor body is deeply confused. My joints are sore and I have an itchy rash on my neck, face and chest. I’m tired and there have been some tears. 

This morning I debated whether a sea swim would be wise. I felt weak and had a headache. But I know I always feel better for it, so I packed up my bag and off we went. When we got to the beach the tide was high and, again I debated whether to go in or not. Then I realised that even being in the sea air had improved how I was feeling....... so in we went. 

Hubby jumped on ahead and I watched him diving through the waves as I slowly and delicately tiptoed my way into the water. The waves started slapping..... breaking on me. I laughed with a woman beside me as we walked in deeper. Then a wave knocked me over. I tried to get back up but couldn’t. The water was too shallow for me to swim, but too deep for me to get back up on my feet...... waves were breaking over my head and my breath was taken away from me a bit. I started to panic a little. The lovely lady beside me helped me up and hubby came back to make sure I was ok. I was but decided to get out. My quickest sea bathe yet, but still life affirming.

We got out, had some breakfast and then a nice walk looking at the sea. There is no doubt that I am weakened by long term steroid use and coming off them is going to continue to be challenging and a bit miserable at times. There is also no doubt that my Sunday sea swims are restorative and are helping me beyond what any medication could ever do.

I have a feeling it’s going to be a slow week this week...... but I also have a feeling I’m entering another positive stage in my journey. Bye bye steroids..... let’s get my cheekbones back!! Xx

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